
羅勝益 Shenq-yih Luo (818月到職 專任教授、機電系主任)
Email: syluo@huafan.hfu.edu.tw











【1】Y.S. Liao and S.Y. Luo, 1992, "Wear Characteristics of Sintered Diamond Composite in Circular Sawing", Wear, Vol. 157, pp. 325-337.

【2】 Y.S. Liao and S.Y. Luo, 1993, "Effects of Matrix Characteristics on Diamond Composites", Int. J. of Material Science, Vol. 28, pp. 1245-1251.

【3】 S.Y. Luo and Y.S. Liao, 1993, "Effects of Diamond Grain Characteristics on Sawblade Wear", Int. J. Machine Tools and Manufacture, Vol. 33, No. 2,pp. 257-266.

【4】 S.Y. Luo and S.Y. Liao, 1995, "Study of the Behaviuor of Diamond Sawblades in Stone Processing", J. Materials Processing Technology, Vol. 51, pp. 296-308.

【5】 S.Y. Luo and S.Y. Liao, 1995, "Observations on Fracture Surfaces of Sintered Diamond Composites", in G.M. Newaz, H. Neber-Aeschacher and F.H. Wohlbier(ed.), Ceramic Matrix Composites, Key Engineering Materials, Vols. 108-110, pp. 449-456, Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.

【6】 S.Y. Luo, 1996,"Characteristics of Diamond Sawblade Wear in Sawing", Int. J. Machine Tools and Manufacture, Vol.36, No.6, pp. 661-672.

【7】 S.Y. Luo, 1997,"Studies on the Wear Conditions and the Sheared Edges in Punching", Wear, Vol.208, pp.81-90.

【8】 S.Y. Luo, 1997, "Investigations of the Worn Surfaces of Diamond Sawblades in Sawing Granites", J. Materials Processing Technology, Vol.70, pp.1-8.

【9】 S.Y. Luo, Y.S. Liao, J.P. Chen, and C.C. Chou, 1997, "Analysis of Wear of Resin Bonded Diamond Wheel in Grinding Tungsten Carbide", J. Materials Processing Technology, Vol.69, pp.289-296.

【10】 S.Y. Luo, 1999,"Effect of Geometry and Surface Treatment of Punching Tools on the Tool Life and Wear Conditions in the Thick Steel Plate Piercing", J. Materials Processing Technology, Vol.88, pp.122-133. (NSC 85-2212-E-211-007). (SCI)

【11】 S.Y. Luo , Y. S. Liao and Y. Y. Tsai, 1999, "Wear Characteristics in Turning High Hardness Alloy Steel by Ceramic and CBN Tools", J. Materials Processing Technology, Vol.88, pp.114-121. (SCI)

【12】 S.Y. Luo, 1999,"Effect of fillers of resin-bonded composites on diamond retention and wear behaviours ", Wear, Vol.236, pp.339-349. (NSC86-2212-E-211-003) (SCI)

【13】 S.Y. Luo, Y. C. Liu, 1999, "Effect of copper filler of resin-bonded diamond composites on the wear behaviours under a dry condition", J. Materials Processing Technology, Vol.96, pp.215-224. (NSC87-2212-E-211-009) (SCI)

【14】 Y. S. Liao, S.Y. Luo, T. H. Yang, 2000, "A thermal model in wet grinding process", J. Materials Processing Technology, Vol. 101, pp. 137-145. (SCI)

【15】 S.Y. Luo, J.K. Kuo, T.J. Tsai, T.W. Dai, 2001,"A study of the wear behavior of diamond-like carbon films under the dry reciprocating sliding contact," Wear, Vol.249, pp.800-807. (SCI)

【16】 Shenq Y. Luo, Jui-Kang Kuo, Brian Yeh, James C. Sung, Chuang-Wen Dai, and Tsung J. Tsai, 2001, "The Tribology of Nano-Crystalline Diamond," Materials Chemistry and Physics, Vol.72/2, pp.134-136. (SCI)

【17】 S.Y. Luo, Y.C. Liu, C.C. Chou and T.C. Chen, 2001, "Performance of powder filled resin-bonded diamond wheels in the vertical dry grinding of tungsten carbide," J. Materials Processing Technology, Vol.118, pp.329-336. (NSC87-2212-E-211-009) (SCI)

【18】S. Y. Luo, Y. Y. Tsai, and C. H. Chen, "Studies on cut-off grinding of BK7 optical glass using thin diamond wheels," submitted to J. Materials Processing Technology.

【19】S. Y. Luo, and Z. W. Wang, "Chipping analysis of dicing silicon wafer process," submitted to Wear.




【1】 Y.S. Liao and S.Y. Luo, 1990, "Precision Grinding of Titanium Alloys," 1990 NSC-DFG Joint Symposium on Precision and High Speed Manufacturing Technology, pp. 183-190, Tainan.

【2】 S.Y. Luo, C.C. Chou and Y.S. Liao, 1995, "Investigations of the Worn Surfaces of Diamond Sawblades in Sawing Granites," The 2nd International Abrasive Technology Conf. , pp.462-469, Hsinchu, Taiwan.

【3】 S.Y. Luo, Y.S. Liao, and Y.Y. Tsai, 1996,"Wear Characteristics in Turning High hardness Alloy Steel by Ceramic and CBN Tools", The 3rd International Conf. on Progress of Cutting and Grinding, Vol.3, pp.120-125, Osaka, Japan .

【4】 S.Y. Luo, Y.C. Liu, C.C. Chou and T.C. Chen, 1999,"Performance of powder filled resin-bonded diamond wheels in the vertical dry grinding of tungsten carbide," International Conference on Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies, Vol.1, pp.499-508, Dublin, Ireland.

【5】 Shenq Y. Luo, Jui-Kang Kuo, Brian Yeh, James C. Sung, Chuang-Wen Dai,and Tsung J. Tsai, 2000, "The Tribology of Nano-Crystalline Diamond," Taiwan International Diamond and Related Materials Science & Technology Symposium, Taipei, Taiwan.

【6】 廖運炫,羅勝益,1987,"鈦合金磨削加工特性之探討,"中國機械工程學會第四屆學術研討會,pp. 1123-1131,新竹。

【7】 羅勝益,廖運炫,1992,"鑽石鋸片於石材加工之研究,"中國機械工程學會第九屆學術研討會,pp. 195-204,高雄。

【8】 羅勝益,廖運炫,1993,"切削條件對鑽石鋸片加工石材的影響,"中國機械工程學會第十屆學術研討會,pp. 419-428,新竹。

【9】 楊聰和,廖運炫,羅勝益,1993,"濕磨削過程之熱傳分析,"中國機械工程學會第十屆學術研討會,pp. 409-418,新竹。

【10】 羅勝益,劉以卿,1998,"樹脂鑽石砂輪乾磨削碳化鎢之研究,"中國機械工程學會第十五屆學術研討會,台南。

【11】 羅勝益,陳垂鴻,1998,"樹脂結合鑽石複合材料之磨耗研究,"中國材料科學學會學術研討會,台北。

【12】 羅勝益,陳垂鴻,周章誠,陳宗旗,1999,"BK7光學玻璃之切斷加工探討,"中華民國磨粒加工學會第二屆技術論文發表會,pp. 31-40,台北。

【13】 羅勝益,郭瑞剛,1999,"類鑽石碳膜在乾滑動下之磨耗行為研究,"中國機械工程學會第十六屆學術研討會,第四冊,pp. 89-96,台南。(NSC89-2212-E-211-003)。


【15】羅勝益,陳谷全,2001,"平面超細磨削細晶圓加工之研究,"中華民國磨粒加工學會第三屆技術論文發表會,pp. 25-33,新竹。

【16】羅勝益、王兆煒,2002,"精密鑽石刀片切割矽晶片之破裂研究," 中國機械工程學會第十九屆學術研討會,第四冊,pp.383-390,雲林。

【17】羅勝益,蕭俊任,2003,"組合式拋光工具應用於化學機械拋光之研究,"中國機械工程學會第二十屆學術研討會,第四冊,pp. 409-418,台北。(NSC91-2212-E-211-005)

【18】余宗翰,羅勝益,2003,"類LIGA技術製造微磨棒之研究,"中華民國磨粒加工學會第四屆技術論文發表會,pp. 97-104,新竹。

【19】羅勝益,蕭國瑋,許芳榮,陳昇陽,2004,"複合電鑄之粉末分散性及濃度之研究,"中國機械工程學會第二十一屆學術研討會,第D冊,pp. 4323-4328,高雄。(NSC92-2622-E-211-002-CC3)

【20】羅勝益,劉嘉裕,許芳榮,陳昇陽,2004,"瓷質鑽石磨錠磨削單晶氧化鋁之性能分析,"中國機械工程學會第二十一屆學術研討會,第D冊,pp. 3805-3810,高雄。




【2】羅勝益,廖運炫,1989,"從材料冶金觀點淺談輪磨表面整合的影響,"機械工業第71期,pp. 144-153。

【3】羅勝益,1993,"鑽石鋸片在石材加工之應用,"國家科學委員會專題計劃成果報告,NSC 82 -0113-E-211-011-T。


【5】羅勝益,1995,"鑽石鋸齒製造之研究,"國家科學委員會專題計劃成果報告,NSC 83-0401-E-211-003,NSC84-2212-E-211-008。

【6】羅勝益,楊慶煜,1995,"沖模設計、製造與性能分析之研究(I),"國家科學委員會專題計劃成果報告,NSC 84-2212-E-211-005。

【7】羅勝益,1995,"石材加工,"陶業研究學會技術研討會(3),pp. 1-34,鶯歌。

【8】羅勝益,1996,"沖模設計、製造與性能分析之研究(II),"國家科學委員會專題計劃成果報告,NSC 85-2212-E-211-007。













【21】羅勝益、陳谷全、蕭俊任,2003,"平面超細磨削矽晶片加工之研究(I),"國家科學委員會專題計劃成果報告,NSC 91-2212-E-211-005。

【22】羅勝益、蕭國瑋、劉嘉裕、余宗翰,2003,"精密電鑄鑽石刀片之研究,"國家科學委員會專題計劃成果報告,NSC 91-2622-E-211-002-CC3。


【24】羅勝益、蕭國瑋,2004,"精密電鑄鑽石刀片之研究(II),"國家科學委員會專題計劃成果報告,NSC 92-2622-E-211-002-CC3。

【25】羅勝益、陳彥志,2004,"雙極板替代型材料開發及其物性與化性研究,"國家科學委員會專題計劃成果報告,NSC92-2212-E-211-004- 。